Tuesday, December 6, 2011

web comics

for web comics i read octopuspie and oglaf which are two totally different stories in the sense in how they are written but i picked these two because there where web comics that had a nice layout that allowed me to access older material and felt systematic in the way they where laid out on the web. some of the other felt very clumsy and awkward on how they displayed there comic and it really threw me off. octopuspie was really wonderful and had a great story line i really liked that it was like a traditional comic strip but they would throw in animated giffs of like every once in awhile which i thought gave it a nice twisted and gave it something traditional media couldn't offer yet still had elements that made it familiar. oglaf was pretty funny and what made me right off the bat was the little press if you are 18 i thought it was funny that it said if you are not 18 have your parent press the button to allow you to look at the content and that made me want to read it because it has a humor in all details thought it was very much a sex fantasy comic it never felt that sexual even when the content was just because to me the writing and the play on old stories with this sex humor twist kinda made it shine like the very much a mainly barbarians being gay and another man giving birth to a girl and him being mad about it just kinda made me laugh in because it was just so odd and throwout every notion you have of barbarians. or the sperm who would let the his teacher know every tie he was masturbating was just funny and really well thought out.

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